Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pink Lady Doll

My pinky lady…
Actually this weekend I supposed to finished few things from the office but….
Who’s the sane person want to look at a vast spreadsheet filled with numbers in weekend, rite???
Then I’m browsing to my yarn stash and I found this pink splashed colour yarn God know when did  buy those.
Few week ago I made a ballerina rabbit with almost the same pattern with this and I think it’s gonna be lovely if I made pink ballerina girl too. And for a change this time I made this doll so she can sit (the other can’t)
the pink lady with her friend the ballerina rabbit

Okay here’s the pattern, as always this is an amigurumi pattern so just keep on stitchin’ around and don’t slip stitch on each round.
100% cotton yarn in cream for the body
100% cotton yarn in splashed pink for the body/clothes
Acrylic black yarn for the hair
Sew on doll eyes
Fiber fill

Head :
Crocheted from top to bottom.
Row 1: 6 sc in a magic ring.
Row 2: Work 2 sc in each st around (12)
Row 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (18)
Row 4: (Sc in each of next 2 stitch, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (24)
Row 5: (Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (30)
Row 6: (Sc in each of next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (36)
Row 7: (Sc in each of next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (42)
Row 8-16: Sc in each sc around
If you want to use safety eyes, put them between rows 13 and 14 5 stitches apart. For this piece I’m using stitch on eyes so I put them after I stuffed my doll.
Row 17: (Sc in each of next 5 sc, decrease sc2tog) rep 6 times (36)
Row 18: (Sc in each of next 4 sts, sc2tog) rep 6 times (30)
Row 19: (Sc in each of next 3 sts, sc2tog) rep 6 times (24)
Row 20: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, sc2tog) rep 6 times (18)
Fill the head with fiberfill.

Continue to make the body
Row 21-22 : sc in each sts (18)
Row 23 : change colour  (Sc in each of next 2 stitch, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (24)
Row 24: (Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (30)
Row 25: (Sc in each of next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep 6 times (36)
Row 26-38 : Sc in each sts around (36) 12 round
Fill the body and if you want the doll to be able to seat then shut close stitch the body (slip stitch)

Arm (make 2)
Row 1: 5 sc in magic ring (5)
Row 2: 2sc in each sc (10)
Row 3-11: sc in each sc (10)
Row 12-17: change colour sc in each sc (10) 

Feet (make 2)
Row 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Row 2: 2sc in each sc (12)
Row 3-17: sc in each sc (12)
Row 18-24: change colour sc in each sc (12)
Stuff the feet, if you choose to have sitting doll then slip stitch the feet close. If you want the doll to be able to stand up then don’t bind off the second leg, chain 2 then slip stitch on the other leg. Sc around the 1st leg, chain 2 and sc around the 2nd leg.
·       Attach the arm to the body
·       Attach the leg to the body
·       The hair.. I’m using this method from alina of
be sure to check her blog out. but there are tons of doll hair tutorial out there you can choose
·       Make up.. well it depend on your preference.. I’d like to glue on some felt blush on.. or you can use actual blush, embroider eyelashes just to pop up her eyes, put on ribbon, make her cute clothes J

Hope you enjoys it… cheers

Saturday, August 22, 2015

pink amigurumi cow

my first pattern!! (that i actually write down) i really should try to write down every step each time i made something ...

this cow is kinda a mishap >_< my friend wanted me to made her a sheep but then upon assembly i found that this "sheep" i spent my night to make is actually more like a cow.. pheww

but she's cute anyway (cuter than a sheep if i may say)

Yarn A : acrylic bulky curly yarn in soft pink
Yarn B : 2 ply cotton yarn in cream
scrap yarn for the flower in her mouth and her nose, stuffing, safety eyes

this is an amigurimi pattern so all the stitches are done in continuous manner, no need to slip stitch after each row. and its using US term (sc = dc in UK term)
sc = single crochet
dc = double crochet
sl = slip stitch
sc = chain
magic ring = you can find any tutorial of doing a magic ring or you can do 2 chain and slipstitch in chain 1.

Body :
with yarn A
1st row: 6sc to magic ring
2nd row: 2sc in each sc (12)
3rd row: (2sc in next sc, sc in next stictch) repeat 5times (18)
4th row : (2sc in next sc, sc in next 2 stitch) repeat 5 times (24)
5th row: (2sc in next sc, sc in next 3 stitch) repeat 5 times (30)
6th row: (2sc in next sc, sc in next 4 stitch) repeat 5 times (36) 
7-12 th row: sc in each stitch (36)
13th row : (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 4 stitch) repeat 5 times (30)
14th row : (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 3 stitch) repeat 5 times (24)
15th row :  (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 2 stitch) repeat 5 times (18)
16th row : (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 2 stitch) repeat 5 times (12)
17th row :  (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in next stitch) repeat 5 times (6)
fasten off and stuff

with yarn B
row 1: make 4 chain, sc next chain, sc, 4 sc in chain, work in round, sc, 3sc in next chain (8)
row 2-4th keep increasing 2 stiches on the each end only (4stitches increase each row) and keep the side flat (no increase) do it for 3 rows the final stitch will be (24)
row 5-9 : sc in each stitch (24)
row 10 (change to yarn B) : sc in each stitch (24)
row 11 : (2sc in next sc, sc in next 3 stitch) repeat 5 times (30)
row 12-14 : sc in each stitch (30)
if you going to use safety eyes install it in the 12th row 3 stitches apart
15th row : (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 3 stitch) repeat 5 times (24)
16th row : (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in 2 stitch) repeat 5 times (12)
17th row :  (2sctog next 2 stitch, sc in next stitch) repeat 5 times (6)
stuf, weave end and close

feet (make 4)
with yarn B
1st row : 6 sc to magic ring
2nd row: 2sc in each sc (12)
3rd row: (2sc in next sc, sc in next stictch) repeat 5times (18)
4-7th row : sc in each stitch (18)
fasten off and stuff

ears (make 2)
with yarn A
1st row :5sc to magic ring (5)
2nd row : 2sc in each ch (10)
3rd row : (2sc in next sc, sc in next stitch) (15)
fasten off
with yarn B
1st row : 5sc to magic ring (5)
2nd row : 2sc in each ch (10)
fasten off put the smaller ear into the bigger one,i used glue to connect them but you can stitch them too... pinch one of the side and stitch them togather

horn (make 2)
with yarb B
1st row : 3sc to magic ring (3)
2nd row : 2sc in each ch (6)
3rd row : 2sc in next sc sc in next 2 stitch (8)
4th row : sc in each stich, slip stitch in next row

with green yarn chain 5, turn around and slip stitch in each chain (5)
with red yarn (chain 2 in magic ring, 2dc in magic look chain 2 and sc in magic loop) 5 times fasten off and glue or sew to the green stem

its when you have to bind off all the parts together, i found it easier using tapestry needle (is that what u called it? that big blunt needle?)
and also i'd like to put everything together using pin needle to make sure everything fit and cute before the permanently sewn.

  • use black yarn to make the nose (it just 2 parallel in 4th row of the head) with black yarn, you can sew the eyes too
  • attach the flower in the mouth part
  • attach the ears in
  • attach the horns
  • attach the feet to to body, space the 4 feet evenly
  • attach the head to the body
  • make the tail :chain 6 and fasten off, put it anywhere you find it fitted

let me know if i missed something in this pattern